Current Projects

Rupert WWTP Expansion
WWTP expansion including fine screen equipment, aeration system, blowers, secondary RAS pumps, MBR system, UV system upgrade, Headworks and Fine Screen buildings, retrofitting clarifiers, and new electrical, generator, and HVAC equipment.

Ridenbaugh Canal Headworks
Perform work along the Boise River including demolishing the existing diversion structure, installing temporary cofferdams, and constructing new diversion structures.

Meridian WRRF Tertiary Filtration
Construct a 12.5 MGD Tertiary Filtration Facility with pipelines, equalization, membrane filtration, chemical storage, chemical and membrane buildings, and related work.

Falls Irrigation District Pump Station Rehabilitation
Remove existing pumps, motors, piping, valves, and switchgear. Install new medium voltage switchgear, transformer, piping, and four pumps and motors.

MHAFB Water Treatment Plant and Pump Station
Design-Build water treatment plant including a 6 MG water storage tank and liberator pump station to connect to existing distribution systems, process surface water, and distribute the treated water.